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Thoughts for Decorating your Home

Last updated on February 24, 2020

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Home Decorating

Utter the two words “home decorating” in a crowd or women and the place will go mad. These two words seem to breathe fire in women’s bellies. Most women love the idea of home decorating. When discussed in a crowd, there will likely be all sorts of ideas and tips passed around. For some strange reason the female population enjoy smaking changes, especially to their homes. The idea of getting rid of the old and bringing in the new gets women all excited.

Image of woman in decorated office area

Many people like change and not just women, but men, boys and girls also. Home decorating is a great way to make immediate changes in a person’s space. Even slight changes in home décor can make a space seem new and refreshed. Home decorating is an excellent way of taking a tired looking space and transforming it into a bright, happy atmosphere. It is a terrific way to bring people up when they are feeling down.

Home decorating can involve all kinds of different colors, fabrics, furniture, flooring and accessories. Some people spend thousands of dollars decorating their homes while other people use only imagination to make magnificent changes. Home decorating depends on the individual’s taste, their intentions and of course their finances. When people have plenty of money to use for home decorating, often they will hire a professional home decorator.

Hiring a professional home decorator is a great opportunity to have a home transformed into a trendy environment. Home decorators are in touch with the latest trends and styles in home decorating. With their talent and experience they are able to take a plain, boring room and transform it into a happening, exciting space to hang out in. With regards to home decorating, if a person desires something totally unimaginable, they might want to hire a professional home decorator.

Image of woman by lighted Christmas tree

Home decorating is very important to some people. In fact there are those who make changes in their home each and every season. Most people like to do a little home decorating at Christmas time; but there are also those who like to jazz up their home in each season – spring, summer, fall and winter. Using home decorating tips and ideas, people can transform their homes to fit each season.

In addition, when a homeowner is trying to sell their home, a bit of home decorating may increase their chances of success. People viewing a home are often attracted to the cosmetics of the space. Home decorating provides a homeowner the opportunity to give their home a face-lift before putting it on the real estate market. With a few slight changes to the furniture placing in a room, perhaps a calming color on the walls and a bouquet of flowers in a lovely vase on a table, a potential buyer might be won over. When a home is nicely decorated, it gives evidence that the homeowner takes pride in their home and cares for it. This would certainly make a good impression on a potential buyer. Just a few little home decorating tricks may be responsible for selling the house.

Thoughts on Decorating the Interior of your Home

Is it time again to consider decorating the interior of your home? Are you enthused about this possibility or are you frustrated? Does the thought of decorating the interior or your home make you want to skip town or does it make you anxious and excited? There are certainly mixed feelings when it comes to decorating the interior of homes. Not everyone is creative or skilled.  You may assume you are incapable of interior decorating. Some people simply do not like this sort of project. Then there are those individuals who can’t wait to roll up their sleeves and get into the paint and plaster. There is plenty of help available for every single individual, no matter what your feelings are regarding decorating the interior of your home.Image of worktable with various papers, colors and fabrics

If you absolutely hate the idea of decorating the interior of your home, a professional interior decorator might be the best solution for you. They will work with you to help you choose a decorating design including colors, flooring, furnishings and accessories. They will put the plan in motion but you’ll probably need to hire a painter or someone to install your flooring. This is a great option if you can afford it, but many people do not have the funds to pay a professional interior decorator, a painter and a flooring installer.

If you are an adventurous person, decorating the interior of your home could be seen as just one more exciting encounter. You’ll have no problems finding information about decorating the interior of your home. There are many magazines published every month which provide information and instructions for decorating the interior of your home. There are also books, do-it-yourself books that give specific step-by-step details for decorating the interior of your home.

The Internet is a great resource base for interior decorating information. Hundreds of sites are filled with useful details to help you plan your decorating and help you through the process. The television is also a good source regarding decorating the interior of your home. There are several reality television programs that can instruct you and give you ideas for your home decorating project.

[callout title=David Hicks quote]”The best rooms have something to say about the people who lie in them.”[/callout]


When you decide to decorate the interior of your home, you must first decide which room or rooms you will be changing. Choosing a theme will help you make decisions regarding color, furnishings, fabric and accessories. There are many themes to choose from including Victorian, Cottage, Modern, English Country, French Country, Traditional, Medieval, Moroccan, Art Deco, Southwestern, etc. Once you decide on a theme, you can then pick materials based around this interior home design.

Using the various resources available for decorating the interior of your home, you ought to be capable of picking a color palette that will enhance your room, choose fabric that will add warmth, select furnishings which are comfortable and accessories which will accent and compliment your space. With the many resources available to you, many of them offering free home decorating ideas, you should be able to make decorating the interior of your home an exciting adventure with little or no stress and frustration.

Online Design Resources

The Bella Vista Online Mall has a new “Home Shop” that just opened and will soon be filled with carefully selected products.  You can check it out HERE.


Interior Design Books



Designers in/near Bella Vista

Brooke Anderson Interior Design (Facebook page)

Beth G Bengs, Simplicity by Bengs Design (Facebook page)

Nathan Ellington, Ellington Design (Facebook page)


I love to receive questions and comments, please leave yours below -Shirley

NOTE:  This post contains affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I receive a small commission.


  1. Hey – thanks for your post, I am needing some inspiration for redecorating a room right now! We recently purchased a beautiful new rustic leather sofa and now the lounge room looks like it all needs redoing….I don’t find it stressful, just where to start is the thing? I’ve always loved Moroccon style interiors and I think that as a theme it will go really well – we live an a converted barn and it’s quite open plan too, but I don’t want to overdo it. There’s so many resources out there and I find myself spending too much time looking at Pinterest pins! I’m excited really and I’ll have a look a look at the books you’ve recommended as I can’t afford to hire someone – thanks for inspiring me to stop looking and start doing something proactive.

    • admin admin

      Hi Lindsay, thanks for visiting my site and reading my blog post. Re-decorating will be fun and those books are good idea. I hope you learn a lot from them and best of luck with your room redo. -Shirley

  2. Sam Sam

    I loved your post! It really made me think of my grandmother who my mom likes to joke about by say “every day after school I came home to a new house” my grandma love to decorate and switch up the look of her home constantly. Thankfully I only feel the impulse about twice a year.

    I look forward to seeing what your shop has to offer.

    • admin admin

      Hi Sam, thanks for visiting my site and reading my blog post. My mom used to love to re-arrange the furniture especially in our living room area, so I know what you mean. I’m steadily researching and adding more products to the “Home Shop” on The Bella Vista Online Mall and I plan more blog post also. Thanks for your comment. -Shirley

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