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A New Shop!!! But Why?

Last updated on January 27, 2020

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We have created a new “Seasonal Sale” shop but I’m sure you guys are all asking the question, “Why did they do that?” Well, I would like to explain that to you.

Most brick and mortar stores will have a section of their store that is devoted to just seasonal/promotional items. I found this out today while I was shopping for something myself and thought this would make a great addition to our online mall!!

With this addition you no longer have to get in your car and drive to the store just to wait in a long line.Then you will have to  pay for the item(s), only to drag them home and then struggle to get them into your house. Boy, I’m tired just thinking of all that work, there must be an easier way!! In comes to your rescue. Here is what you do now.  Turn on your computer, you can sit in the comfort of your home, click a few buttons on the computer and then your order will arrive in a few days. Now isn’t that so much easier!! And with it getting warmer, staying out of the heat sounds like a plus to me!!! Now you will have more time to enjoy your family.





We had this idea, everything starts with an idea, that people might like to be able to find products for a certain holiday all in one central location. So we decided to create a shop just for that. Now it will have changing products because currently for instance, it is stocked with Fathers Day products but those will be replaced with 4th of July products, then back to school/Labor Day products, Halloween things, Thanksgiving things, and on and on and on. It will have a revolving door for the new products.

And remember if there is ever a product YOU need or use regularly that YOU would like us to carry just leave it in the comments below and we will see about including it.

Our goal is to assist you in every way possible to make this an easy shopping experience. So if you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to leave them in the comments below. I will respond as quickly as possible.       CTA-SeasonalShop1 image

Elaine Smith

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