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Home Asthma Treatment during Pollen Season

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Image of a bee on a flower with pollen in the air

PPI have Asthma and it Hates Pollen

I must say that I’ve been longing for the end of winter and for spring to get here,especially since I’be been self quarantining inside for weeks now.

Image of a cluster of red bud blossomsI love seeing the red-buds blooming from my deck and our windows.  The shining sun has certainly picked my mood up.  I even took my dog for a ride in my convertible the other day and we both truly enjoyed being outside and having the sun shing on us.

However, one thing I hate about spring is the “pollen”.  I have asthma and right now, I’ve been having a big flareup with coughing driving me nuts.  This happens every spring and fall for me, so I’m used to the feeling of shortness of breath and the constant coughing when this happens.  I know I don’t have the COVID-19 virus because I have no fever and the coughing with tightness in my lungs is familiar to me.

Symptoms of AsthmaImage of an inhaler lying next to a cigarette

Here are some of the symptoms I have when my asthma flares

  1. wheezing
  2. tightening in the chest
  3. dry coughing
  4. increased heart rate.

These are the milder symptoms which I tend to get, but some people  will go into respiratory arrest and even die from an attack.  This has never come close to happening to me – my inhaler and an occasional updraft at my doc’s office tends to help me.  But if you have worst symptoms, you should be sure and check with your doctor and even go to the ER if necessary.  Asthma can certainly be a life and death matter.

My Asthma triggers

Some things which really cause my asthma to flare up are the following:

  1. Smoke is one of the worst.  I can’t be around smokers or where there is smoke in the air.
  2. Pollen durng the Spring and Fall seasons
  3. Being around a lot of dust will set it off too.

The symptoms may occur immediately following contact with a trigger or may be delayed, and their severity varies greatly among individual asthma sufferers.

What am I doing for treatment?

What I’m doing for treatment for my asthma:

  • I did go to my doc and get an updraft about 9 days ago and it helped for a few days. So if symptoms worsen, definitely see your doctor.
  • I use my prescription inhaler more frequently, about 4 times each day. (You should have a prescription inhaler to use – be sure to keep your inhaler handy and your prescription up to date).  Inhaled corticosteroids, bronchodilators and combination medications like an inhaled corticosteroid and an inhaled long-acting beta-agonist (LABA) are among the most popular asthma treatments out there.
  • I’ve been diffusing some essential oils in my diffuser next to my recliner. I use Young Living KC and Lavender oils.)
  • I’ve avoiding getting outside for the most part. (Except the convertible ride which was wonderful).
  • I have some vapor rub I put on my nose every day.
  • I take hot showers and try to breath in the mist into my lungs.
  • I’ve started drinking different hot teas several times a day.


Some people with asthma have a hard time with the small inhalers. In these cases, your doctor might prescribe a nebulizer,  (a  specialized machine that has a mask or mouthpiece through which you inhale your asthma medication). This machine transforms the medication from liquid into a mist, which makes it easier to breathe into the lungs. It will take a few minutes to treat asthma with the nebulizer.


Sometimes your doctor will prescribe you a short-term  dose of steroids to manage severe symptoms.For example, some patients may need to take steroids like prednisone for a short time to help calm inflammation and relieve asthma symptoms.  Steroids will definitely help my asthma flareups but they also raise my blood sugar drastically and I’m a diabetic so I try to avoid steroids.


Dry weather can trigger asthma symptoms and makes breathing difficult. Humidifiers are built to add moisture into the air, so the added moisture helps the asthma patients to breath comfortably. It is not a remedy for your asthma, but it certainly makes living with your asthma more comfortable.


I have a diffuser from Young Living and I use some of their essential oils to diffuse and help my asthma.  I use Lavendor, Eucalyptus and KC oils.

Herbs that some believe help Asthma:

  • Oregano
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Slippery Elm
  • Licorice
  • Tumeric
  • Lemongrass
  • Stinging Nettle
  • Bishops weed and Jaggery

Herbal Teas

I fix myself some herbal teas several times a day.  Lately I’ve been using my Ginger and Tumeric tea bags.  but here are many kinds that can be helpful.

Here are some items you can get to help you at home:

Young Living Diffusers and Essential Oils


Herbal Teas


I enjoy receiving comments and questions from site visitors. Please leave yours below -shirley

NOTE:  This post contains affiliate links, which if clicked and a product purchases, I receive a small commission.

NOTE: I am not a medical professional, be sure and contact your doctor if you show signs of an illness.




  1. Bob Bob

    I have a lot of problems with pollen in the air. The pollen, in my case, tends to stop up my nose so I end up having to blow it out constantly. Can you suggest a good product to help me with this?

    • Thanks for reading my post and your question. I use some vapor rub to put at the end of my nostrils to keep pollen from entering. I also use a nasal spray called Afrin to clearn my nasal passages. (
      Thanks for reading my post. -Shirley

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