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How I make my face look younger?

Last updated on February 24, 2020

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Image of beautiful woman's face

Looking younger!

When I had my own photography studio I used to really enjoy editing my images, especially those of the high school seniors.  I loved touching up their faces to make them glow (none of my senior images had zits or acne)  it was so much fun.  In fact I edited every image I took so that faces looked better and skin was pretty.  I even smoothed out a lot of wrinkles for some of the older clients.  They all loved the touched up images.

I remember thinking one time when I was touching up one of my own personal images for my business card, that I wished my skin looked as good in real life as it did when edited in photoshop.  I’ve ben retired for a few years now and I still miss the image editing part of my photography business, but I can do things outside of Photoshop to help my own skin look better.

Achieving a younger looking skin for real

Since I’ve retired, I’ve been researching and trying different things to help my skin look younger and to help myself look younger all over.

For several years I’ve been working on losing weight and have achieved a loss of over 40 pounds and I’m still losing.  Some of the things I’m doing for weight loss has been helping my skin look better also.

My Steps to look younger

Here are some of the steps I’m taking for my skin:

  1. I’m drinking lots more water every day for both weight loss and to help my skin.  My goal is to drink 95 ounces (half my body weight in ounces)  and I usually make 60-80 ounces downed in a day.
  2. I’m doing “intermittent fasting” and achieving both weight loss and “autophagy” (basically cell repair and renewal)
  3. I’m eatin “Keto”style along with eating a 16:8 fasting time (that’s 16 hours of fasting and a 8 hour eating window).  I usually try for stopping my eating at 6pm at night and breaking my fast the next day at noon.
  4. I take some special supplements to help my skin look younger and show less age:  The Bevery Hills Dermal Repair Complex
  5. I use a special wrinkle cream from “Young Living”: Boswellia Wrinkle Crea, 2 oZ

Products I use

My Skin

Shirley image

I hardly ever wear makeup anymore except ocassionaly some eye makeup. I don’t like the feel of foundation on my skin. It feels like it clogs my pores. Here I am with no makeup this morning.

If you look close you can see a few scars from my teenage acne issues. Since I’ve changed my skin care routine, they have gotten so they don’t show as much.  But my skin feels very soft and smooth nowadays and I hardly ever have a zit or bump anymore.

Next I’m going to be researching some ways to get rid of dark circles under my eyes.

Note:  This is really me, no Photoshopping at all – although I could make myself look pretty good in Photoshop.

I also try to never get sunburned and use a sunburn cream when I know I’m going to be outside for a longer period of time.  Although I’m really sort of a home body and only occasionally get out anyway.  I do ride my ebike some and float in my kayak during the spring and summer months.



I enjoy getting comments and questions from site visitors, please leave yours below. -Shirley

NOTE:  This post contains affiliate links, which, if clicked on and an item purchased, I receive a small commission.


  1. This is great to read. I’m 31 and only really this year started to think about better looking after my skin (shame on me.) I definitely should be drinking more water and that’s something I’ve been really lazy with before, so I’m definitely going to take your advice and make this a priority! And you’re right, protecting our skin from the sun is hugely anti-ageing. I’ve just started wearing a daily sunscreen, even in winter, and am already seeing the benefits to my skin! I will have to look into autophagy- I didn’t know fasting could boost cell renewal! Fascinating! Would love to see what you write on dark circles as that’s something I’m looking to tackle too. Thank you for this wonderful and informative read.

    • Natalie. Thanks for reading my article and your comment. I do want to research dark circles next. Thanks again -Shirley

  2. I am always looking for things that will help with looking younger. I have still used items that would help with the improvement of my skin. I appreciate the information given in your article. Keep up the great work.

    • Elizabeth, thanks for reading my article and your comment. I know I’m not so beautiful but I can try to take care of my skin. Thanks again-shirley

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