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Category: Bella Vista Online Mall – Miscellaneous

Is Photography Art?

The Art of Photography

The controversy about whether photography is art is one that has been raging in the art world for a long time and I’m are not likely to totally solve it here.  But it can be an important decision you have to make if you are considering a career in photography with the goal of producing quality art works.  If that is where you are, the idea that someone would say “That’s not art, you just took a picture” is pretty disturbing.  So it’s worth looking at the question from several different angles before we pick which side to weigh in on.

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Grandparents -missing your grandchildren? Do this!

Image of two grandparents and two kids along a lakefront.

Miss your grandchildren?

Maybe you are like me during this quarantine, you miss seeing and hugging your grandchildren.

This pandemic has messed up all my plans to see grandchildren.

We have had to cancel traveling across the country to see our beautiful Jeanne graduate from high school. Our 3 little grandchildren (14 months, 4.5 years and 7 years) are only 3 hours away but we still have to stay home because of the quarantine.  All this can be so depressing. I really love my grand kids and I’ve been thinking up ways to stay in contact with my kids and grandchildren.


Home Asthma Treatment during Pollen Season

Image of a bee on a flower with pollen in the air

PPI have Asthma and it Hates Pollen

I must say that I’ve been longing for the end of winter and for spring to get here,especially since I’be been self quarantining inside for weeks now.

Image of a cluster of red bud blossomsI love seeing the red-buds blooming from my deck and our windows.  The shining sun has certainly picked my mood up.  I even took my dog for a ride in my convertible the other day and we both truly enjoyed being outside and having the sun shing on us.

However, one thing I hate about spring is the “pollen”.  I have asthma and right now, I’ve been having a big flareup with coughing driving me nuts.  This happens every spring and fall for me, so I’m used to the feeling of shortness of breath and the constant coughing when this happens.  I know I don’t have the COVID-19 virus because I have no fever and the coughing with tightness in my lungs is familiar to me.


Bella Vista Churches go Online -Listen to these messages from God

Image of church buildings

Bella Vista Churches – Sermons/Message online

I’m finding that my own church here in Bella Vista, has some outstanding sermons and messages available online during this time of crisis.  I truly believe our Pastors are being touched by God during this crisis in a special way to allow us to “hear what God wants us to hear” in this time of fear and uncertainty.


Stuck at Home? -this is the time to read!

Reading with an e tablet has great benefits

I’m a voracious reader myself and I’ve been using e readers for years now.  Back when I read mostly “real” books, I had so many books in my house that my husband once told me the weight of our home was mostly in my books – lol!

Then I found e readers like the Amazon Kindle and the Amazon Kindle app for my phone.  I began to read mostly digital versions of books with my amazon Kindle and the app on my iPhone.

The kindle app can be installed on a desktop or labtop also, but on my larger sized iphone I read perfectly well.  I’ve found some true advantages to using e readers and apps.


Stuck at Home! – Use this time to enjoy nature’s beauty and learn about the winged beauties around you!

Image of Blue Bird on Feeder

There’s time to look out your window now!

Image of blue bird sticking head out of blue bird box.Right outside my office window I have a bird feeder and I can see our bluebird house several yards away.  I’ve captured bluebirds with my camera a while back during spring.  I’ve seen them looking out of their own door/window the the bluebird house like this.

Putting up and maintaining a bird feeder can give you lots of glimpses of beautiful nature here in the Ozarks.


Choosing the Right Pet for Your Family – Part 1

An image of a cat and dog cuddling

Choosing The Right Pet For Your Family

Most individuals have an idea just what type of pet they want; however, the maintenance of a pet can surely cause some concern. Knowing how to choose the correct pet for you may be easy or somewhat difficult. You may have had several pets as a child and know you need a companion for your own home or you may have always wanted a pet but been told you could not have one. Whatever the case you may need to take into consideration some key points to pet care when deciding what pet is right for you.


Why I buy from Amazon?

Image of woman with laptop computer and credit card in hand

My Favorite Online Store

I have no problems saying is my favorite online store to purchase from.  I buy online a lot.  Mostly because being in a wheelchair makes shopping at brick and mortar companies pretty difficult for me.  Its a lot of trouble loading my wheelchair and myself in my car and then driving to a regular store, unloading my wheelchair and myself and then rolling myself into the store and then pushing a cart or holding  a basket with my selections and then getting it all back in my vehicle and driving home again.  Then, once back at my home, getting my purchases from my vehicle to inside my home is yet another time consuming chore.


Top Cold Press Coffee Makers of 2019

Image of coffee and coffee beans for cold press coffee

Cold Press Coffee Maker

For the last few weeks of 2019, my husband and I have been talking about cold press coffee.  He had read an article in Consumer Reports on them and became interested.  When he asked me about them and I read that cold press coffee was less bitter, I became interested also.  I’ve always thought the smell of coffee perking was awesome!  However, when I drink that coffee, I’m disappointed with the bitterness I taste.  I’ve tried various types of coffee and found all to be quite bitter and never living up to the “promise of the magnificent aroma”.


Things to do in Bella Vista Arkansas – includes Shopping

Bella Vista is for Shopping as well as Relaxing

Bella Vista, Arkansas, one of the top “places to retire,” is known for its natural beauty and variety of things to do – especially outdoor activities. These activities include golf, tennis, pickleball, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, swimming, volleyball, hiking, and cycling.  I see many people doing these activities as I drive around Bella Vista and there are even more things to do that are less strenuous, like walking, creating art and playing card games.  I’ve read where there are over 100 different clubs in Bella Vista.  And if you are not active in one of those clubs or in many other activities popular here, then you can always enjoy dining at one of Bella Vista’s excellent dining spots.  Some of these are:


How do you play pickleball?

What IS Pickleball?

A few months ago, I would be the one asking that question.  I’m not sure I had ever heard anything about “pickleball” before my husband and I moved to Bella Vista, Arkansas in July of 2016.  My husband retired in June of 2016 and we already had purchased our retirement home here in Bella Vista.  Once we closed on the sale of our home in White Hall, Arkansas, we packed up and moved here.  My husband, Mel, lost no time starting to go to exercise at the recreational centers here and scheduling classes several times a week.  I think he heard about pickleball at one of the classes or we learned on Facebook or at the library.  I can’t remember exactly how it can up, but we learned a group played Mon-Wed-Friday mornings at Metfield.  So we decided to check it out.  There was a good group there playing the morning we went to watch.  Mel decided it looked like fun and when we got home he asked me to find a pickleball racket online and order it for him.  So I did.  A few days later, he was up bright and early to join the pickleball players with his new paddle.

That first time, he was just learning some of the rules and how to play the doubles that the group played.  He loved it and found it to be great exercise.  It looked fun to me also.  If I wasn’t in this wheelchair, I would be out there playing.  But I go ever so often and take pics of the group playing to post on facebook.  The group seems to get bigger and bigger and one reason is that my husband invites most people we meet to come to try it out.  Several have and love it too.


Welcome to the Bella Vista Online Mall

Welcome to the Bella Vista Online Mall

Lake Ann imageBella Vista, Arkansas is located in Northwest Arkansas in the beautiful Ozark Mountains.  This area with its miles of beautiful woodlands, hills, and lakes is one of the most popular places to retire in the U.S.

Bella Vista has been nationally recognized as one of America’s Top 10 Best Healthy Places To Retire by U.S. News & World Report, and one of the Top 25 best places for affordable homes by and Money Magazine. In 2017, Bella Vista was ranked as one of the 25 Best Places To Retire.

The population of Bella Vista takes advantage of the natural beauty surrounding their homes by taking part in many outdoor activities, from, walking, running, hiking, tennis, golf, kayaking, tennis, and pickleball.